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Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!

Friday, May 26, 2006

26-5-2006 讀報

8:52 AM

強強組合 / 我X你 2006-05-26, 信報財經新聞, P28, 理財投資, 原是物語, 孔少林
eMusic經營之道 2006-05-26, 信報財經新聞, P16, 副刊, 解碼, 狄 高
教整餅 靠包裝 2006-05-26, 信報財經新聞, P16, 副刊, 面對面, 胡泳雯
圖書集團 攻主題書店 以特色招徠 2006-05-26, 香港經濟日報, A42, 企業管理, 陳靜汶
銀髮消費戰 Make $$$ out of the aging population 2006-05-26, 香港經濟日報, A41, 行政人員, Global Watcher, 陳沛芬
港大畢業生月入1.4萬 較去年增9%3年新高 2006-05-26, 明報, A14, 教育
港大讀生化棄高薪做茶師 2006-05-26, 東方日報, A16, 港聞
風月.風光 2006-05-26, 蘋果日報, E02, 我有我道路
人物Highlight:王維基權力下放做影子 2006-05-26, 蘋果日報, B07, 財經要聞

Investigating the viability of online tutoring:
「陪著您考」網站度身訂造 會考狀元教A 2004-02-03, 香港經濟日報, A24, 都會專題 ←possible model, but the service is off within a year
網上支援考生服務 吸納逾二百人參加 2004-02-16, 大公報, A09, 大公教育
浸大辦高考虛擬教室 2005-03-23, 星島日報, F01, 星島教育 
印度創網上補習社 隔洋指導美國學生 2005-08-29, 大公報, A30, 世界新潮
補習e線牽──老師在網絡等你 2006-01-21, 星洲日報(馬來西亞), 教育
印度網上補習顯神通 越洋輸送知識 提供優質價廉服務 2006-05-21, 成報, A10, 國際從橫 ←if company can outsource work to different area, People to People tutoring service can be delieverd for 24 hrs

1. Cyber U around the globe may be one of the possible and viable model.

2. Even you have the the telants, the system is difficult to sustain.

3. Can not get rid the way of traditional 1 to 1 tutoring, the amount you can earn is limited by the number of talents you have. Image the case of newspaper, the number of reader is limited by the number of print copy in the traditional way, but if you publish the newspaper online, the number of reader should be increased exponetially. But the model of online tutoring nowadays dont make use of this effect!


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