Rule of thumb:

Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!

Saturday, December 09, 2006

8/9-12-2006 讀報

9:15 AM

深思熟慮惟行之不易的「報告」 2006-12-08, 信報財經新聞, P14, 時事評論, 林行止專欄, 林行止
M&A Failure 華資併購外資 跨國路遙遙 2006-12-08, 香港經濟日報, A60, 行政人員, Global Watcher, 劉奇明
「大肚腩」食垃圾 / The BigBelly Cordless Compaction System 2006-12-08, 香港經濟日報, A60, 行政人員, 吳曉怡、陳靜汶
2006商界Best &Worst 2006-12-09, 東方日報, B12, 產經
《發明大Show-Off》大賣美國夢 2006-12-08, 香港經濟日報, C20, 影視樂, 電視, 鄺素媚
(Paris Je Tam'ime)《我愛巴黎》有喜有悲的巴黎情懷 2006-12-09, 星島日報, D15, 娛樂, 電光幻影, 徐其

FlexibleLove 台灣科技大學學生設計開發的環保紙椅,真的很神奇!

An idea a day:
27. Design an ad that will show up when you are right clicking in browsing website.
You must have experience that some websites will block the right click, may be with a popup notice that say "right click is prohibited".
The reason why people need to right click is that, they want to copy and paste something, either a link or a paragraph. If this program will redirect the popup to your client website, it will help earning ad fee by click rate.
If your website provide v. useful content, in addition to the inefficient google adsense, right click ads will have a much more click rate for sure.


Hey, that's really nice blog. Great idea to gather the most interesting news clippings of the day and showcase your bright idea. I am about to see Paris Je t'aime. Wonderful to know the review.
Thx for your comment, if you have any opinions on the ideas, feel free to post comments.
Are you in the advertising field? I like reading Longyin review, they are really funny and interesting!
Haha, I'm still a student taking a master program in university.
I am also a graduate this year, but I am working now.

Haha, your grad photos are nice!

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