Rule of thumb:

Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

21-1-2006 讀報

10:08 AM

港大讚港大 2007-01-21, 蘋果日報, E07, 名采論壇, GG細語, 左丁山
歐盟東擴後的英國 2007-01-21, 大公報, B02, 寰球特寫
火鍋店比商機牛羊生意鬥「肥」 2007-01-21, 東方日報, B04, 產經
同素人打友誼波變賺錢AV 2007-01-21, 蘋果日報, G01, 夜生活, 黃網之joy ←我覺得個名改得好好笑!
流行性指標 2007-01-07, 明報, P07, 日偽流民

An idea a day:
54. Follow up to idea 53, 3G service providers can have a web interface of voice mail in any 3G phone to users.
Users can use their phone to check voice mail, instead of following the sucking voice-over navigation, users can now have a neat and user-friendly interface to handle.
Critical information, like number, date, time, length, urgency can be included in that visual-interface, for people more easily to deal with important messages.
The platform can surely add value to the company, when compared to the pre-historic style of navigation, it can put more information, like ads/ promotional plans on the 3G/website for users to browse, which is impossible in the old-style.
When there is a whole bunch of voice mails in your online account, although they are download-able, it make users reluctant to switch to other service providers easily, combating the situation now, at which the strategy/competition is focus on $$ but not service.


Another spin-off!

Yes it is a trend of crossing-over of phone and web, no matter 3G/smartphone.

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