Rule of thumb:

Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

27-2-2006 讀報

8:21 PM

傳奇富豪屢涉交通意外 2007-02-27, 星島日報, A08, 港聞
一個Yahoo電郵全新網上服務 2007-02-27, 電腦廣場, M92, SOFTWARE Feature
Google大擴頻寬意欲何為? 2007-02-27, 信報財經新聞, P20, 理財投資, 時勢微觀, 畢老林

An idea a day:
79. Using software like spreeder in mobile phone to read more easily and clearly.
If you like use 3G service to browse news and articles, you certain would perfer a phone with a screen as large as possible, but the trade off is, you need to have a big phone.

If software like spreeder is present in the phone, the screen need not to be large, yet you could read quickly for a large quantity without straining your eyes.

Spreeder do as if the subtitle of movie, it breaks down paragraph into a minimium of a words, then the words on screen will change with a decided time frame.


Your idea is good and creative~ Sth like subtitles.
But...will it spread to people? In my view, hk people like to read the newspapers more.

I read some comics, which is called X 挑戰者 these few days. The storys are the real cases of success company or organisation. If you haven't read, I highly recommend you to read^^
It seems X 挑戰者 is quite good wo~

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