Rule of thumb:

Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

FT this week

9:52 PM

More than just an investor
By Michiyo Nakamoto / Published: May 10 2010 23:13
Big Japanese companies tend to prefer developing their own technologies rather than buying companies that create them, ie venture capital-backed start-ups. As a result, venture capital investors have had to rely on public listings to exit their investments rather than selling companies to third parties. So, 35 per cent of venture capital funds exited through an IPO while only 17.5 per cent exited through a sale to a third party. Dependence on public listings has meant investors have been hurt by the sluggish stock market.

Act now to close gaps that encourage illicit activity
By Richard G. Ketchum / Published: May 11 2010 16:31
A generation ago, fewer than 10 exchanges handled all US equity trades. Today, orders are routed to some 50 competing platforms. This complex environment creates opportunities for traders seeking unfair advantage to manipulate markets. How? By exploiting inconsistencies or gaps created when the responsibility of regulatory oversight is divided.

Last week’s dramatic market spiral was an example of how technology and a fragmented marketplace present serious challenges to regulators. Regulators must now step back and take a serious look at market structure. We need to do this in at least three ways.

←My time as a trader only has around 25, now is 50. Technology help to reap $$ is changing fast.


what's going on?
I would assume mean those articles.

Thanks for the kind reminder from 香港版權授權服務有限公司 (, I understand what I was doing is inappropriate, as an immediate remedy, I removed all related pages and will not post further articles on Orangedays in the future.

As a reminder to all, please respecting intellectual property rights, and view articles from the original source.

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