Rule of thumb:

Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!

Monday, October 11, 2010


4:18 PM

It used to be my daily routine...


我都係用bloglines, 日日track 住200+ 個blog, 好使好用, 人地次次開電腦第一時間上facebook,我就第一時間上bloglines...日日咁上bloglines都上左四年幾喇,見佢要close down 真係好唔捨得呀...

I use Google Reader for about a year... The experience will blow your mind, and the import is easy...
我其實都import 左d blogs 落 google reader , 不過都未係好習慣...我諗用多陣就會熟

Google reader is the best so far. can share, can post, can tag, can comment.
Yes, it is totally cool...

One thing that it need to be improved though, the interface for managing, naming, editing the folder or feed could be improved. I find it difficult to edit...

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